Beach Preservation Inc is really glad the Slimicks' #litterbyOKI sweep removed all this trash from the beach!
#litterbyeOKI, a program of solo beach sweeps!
Join with the Beach Preservation Society, Inc., to keep the beach clean while distancing! We love doing Flash Sweeps but we are happy to accommodate those who would rather distance from others for the health and safety of people and the beach. Let’s say BYE to litter on OKI in 4 easy steps – CCPP!
C: COLLECT. Alone or with a few others, collect litter at an access or the beach, for 5-15minutes.
C: COUNT. Sort the trash into 10 categories on the simple form here.
P: PHOTOGRAPH. Take a picture of the sorted trash and the collectors!
P: POST. Post your pictures and tally sheet on our Facebook page, or send an email to: and we will post for you.
Call your post #litterbyeOKI We’ll create a Facebook Album of the results and compile the numbers for all to see your great work! Add #litterbyeOKI to your posts so we can compile them across other media.
Use this form to report the kinds of trash you find in your #litterbyeOKI sweep. We look forward seeing your posts! If you aren’t on Facebook, send your tallies and photos to us for posting.