Beach preservationist of the year awarded in april 2024!

Each year since 2000, the Oak Island Beach Preservation Society has identified an individual or group that has made outstanding contributions to our beach over the last full year and longer. This “Beach Preservationist of the Year” was recognized at our annual fundraiser with the presentation of the Royal Starfish Award.

The list of recipients over 20 years has included founders of the organization, Town staff, BPS leaders, outstanding supporters, and organizations that share the mantle of beach service with us.

2024 Beach preservationist of the year is leeann lyon!

Many of you already know LeeAnn, as she is an integral part of our board. For the last 2 years, LeeAnn has handled  monitoring and assigning access parents to all 69 beach accesses; ordering supplies for the doggie boxes; and of course, making sure the doggie boxes and bike racks are in good condition, needed repairs or replacements  are scheduled, and new units are assembled and installed. She has quite a job, and she does it with great efficiency and always a smile on her face! We were thrilled to name LeeAnn as our Beach Preservationist of the Year, and she was presented with her plaque at our annual wine tasting and auction fundraiser in April. Thank you LeeAnn, for all of your dedication and hard work!

 Beach Preservationist of the Year - 2023

The 2023 Beach Preservationist of the Year is Rosanne Fortner!

The newest Beach Preservationist of the Year, Rosanne Fortner, was announced at our wine tasting fundraiser. Rosanne joined the Beach Preservation Society in 2005 and served as either Co-Chair or Chair for 12 years before stepping down in 2022. Under her leadership, she continued the popular activities of beach cleanups, rock picking, and parade float building, and added to them, several education initiatives. We believe that informed beachgoers will be more likely to help protect the coast and ocean.

Over the years, Rosanne worked with others to develop components of the Be a Beach Lover campaign with website, banners to sign, and articles for media. With others she organized a public speaker series for engaging the public through the off season, both with in-person lectures and zoom conferences, and an educational kiosk with panels explaining interesting and important information about the beach. Along with brochures about beach ordinances, a Beach Lover patch activity book, Girl Scout badge assistance, and summer aquarium programs, these education media offer a range of opportunities for a range of ages and interests. New Board members and officers are working to continue these education thrusts by offering scholarships and moving in directions that further beach preservation through their own skills and experience. Rosanne is grateful to have met and engaged with so many enthusiastic beach lovers over her 17 years on Oak Island!

Thank you, Rosanne, for your many years of dedicated service!!