Board of Directors - Activities

The Mission of BPSI is:

The Oak Island Beach Preservation Society, Inc., is dedicated to education and community engagement to enhance the Oak Island beach experience and leave the beach better for everyone now and in the future.

Directors can focus on one or more initiatives or components. Below we provide some recent activities from current Directors and volunteers that fall into each of the three core missions of the organization, as well as supporting administrative functions.


Educational display development, public seminars and workshops, scholarship work, aquarium programs, Beach Lover Patch program for middle schoolers

Community Engagement

Farmers’ markets, Spring Fling event, St. James Non-profit Fair, Earth Day event, float and Christmas parade.

Better Beach/Access Improvements

Adopt-A-Beach program management, International Coastal and Spring cleanups, flash sweeps, Christmas trees for dunes, Mobimat evaluation and management, bike rack and doggie bag management

Mission Supporting Administration

Fundraising, Board and committee meetings, membership management, volunteer coordination, secretarial (meeting minutes, correspondence), finance (taxes, budgeting, insurance, treasury), advertising, communication (social media, website, Town Council presentations, newsletters)